Listen to the remarkable story of Master Sergeant Roy Benavidez, a United States Army Green Beret who displayed exceptional bravery during the Vietnam War. Despite being grievously injured, Benavidez orchestrated and execute...
US Air Force Col. Bernard Fisher was an accomplished pilot during the Vietnam War. He landed on a damaged isolated runway, surrounded by the enemy, to save a downed pilot. For his actions he was awarded the Medal of Honor …
USMC Col. Archie Van Winkle started his military career as an enlisted man, and after three wars, he would earn the Medal of Honor during the Korean War before retiring as Colonel in the US Marine Corps. I am honored …
SSgt Pitsenbarger was an elite Air Force Pararescueman who selflessly served in the Vietnam War. He was credited with saving many men and I'm honored to tell you his story.
Col. Treadwell earned the Medal of Honor for his actions against heavily fortified Germans at the Siegfried Line. By the time he retired, he had earned all awards for valor, and I'm honored to tell you his story. Sources: ht...
Admiral Stockdale endured excruciating torture at the hands of captors for over seven and a half years while confined at the Hanoi Hilton during the Vietnam War. Get his book here: Sources: https://en....
BMC James Williams is generally regarded as the most decorated enlisted man in US Naval history. He would enlist in the Navy at the age of 16 and would be awarded the Medal of Honor for his command of the …
Discover the gripping tale of United States Army Sergeant First Class William M. Bryant, a decorated hero of the Vietnam War. Amidst enemy onslaught, Bryant showcased his leadership by organizing a staunch 34-hour defense, re...